so we start with listening to customer’s needs and requirements carefully at the initial interview. Then we make some comments and recommendations based on our knowledge and experience on aspects such as safety and future market condition. We also check with banks to obtain an indication of possible loan amounts and terms.
we will arrange customer’s application for a loan for a preliminary assessment of their preferred property. While the assessment is being processed, we continue our search for alternative properties.
We will make the necessary arrangements for signing the Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA:契約書).
we will examine all the relevant matters concerning the property and prepare an explanatory document concerning key matters.(EDIM:重要事項説明書)A few days before signing the agreement, we take time to go through the documents with the client to ensure their full understanding. Many brokers skip this important step thus forcing the clients to sign the documents without clear understanding of the documents.
the customer will proceed with the loan application with the bank. The customer will submit all the necessary papers obtained from the ward office and the employer. All going well, the bank’s loan confirmation will come through within two weeks and the customer will be invited to sign the loan agreement. Final loan terms will be advised at that time as well. We will support the customer throughout this process to ensure their full understanding.
is set for a mutually convenient weekday. On the settlement day, the bank will transfer the loan money into the customer's bank account upon confirmation from the legal professionals that all necessary documentations are checked and ready. The customer will then pay the seller the balance amount as well as disbursing others to settle their accounts.
the customer will receive the keys to the property as well as some important documents.
We will go to the property straight after the settlement to ensure everything is ok, then transaction is complete.
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